Do Better for Betty

Do Better for Betty

This is Betty. She is very special to me and is one of many people who have motivated me to run for office. This week she joined me on the campaign trail on a chilly May Day afternoon. She has always inspired me as I have admired her leadership, insight, initiative,...
Flight Captain and Cart Driver

Flight Captain and Cart Driver

This is me driving the grain cart on the farm. Yes, I may be a Captain in the air, but I’m the cart driver and lunch maker on the farm. Somehow, I can fly a DC-9, but can’t run a combine with my husband or brother in charge! I can, however, do what needs to be done...
Prayer, Pearls and People

Prayer, Pearls and People

This picture was taken specifically to announce my candidacy. I haven’t taken a professional photo nor worn a suit in years. Yet, as I think about it, this photo has such significance to me embarking on this new endeavor. I’ll admit, I was hesitant to run for public...