Prayer, Pearls and People

Apr 11, 2024

This picture was taken specifically to announce my candidacy. I haven’t taken a professional photo nor worn a suit in years. Yet, as I think about it, this photo has such significance to me embarking on this new endeavor.

I’ll admit, I was hesitant to run for public office, although I was encouraged by others. After thoughtful consideration, prayer, and counsel from my family and friends, I was compelled to run, despite it feeling a bit egocentric.

As it turned out, this photo represents many milestones in my life. The blazer I wore to interview for my first job as an airline pilot. My pearls were worn on my wedding day. My blouse is one of my late mother’s that I just couldn’t part with.

It reminds me, I’m not alone in this. It’s all about the people that are with you. People who love you, support you, stand with you. This brings me full circle to why I was compelled to pursue public office – to serve the people, represent them in their government, and bring their voice to Pierre.

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